
Monday 11 June 2012

Narative texs

                   TELENG RIA BEACH

    In the last july,I went to teleng ria.Teleng ria is name of one beach in east java.I went to there with my frends.

    There, my friends and I can seen the wonderfull scenery,and we can played the friendly wave. In that time, I played withthe wave, when the water until our chest,we stoped our step to wait the wave come to attack. while the wave attack us,we jumped with said ‘yuuuhhuuii’.. we like flying and we laughed together.i felt so happy,because, my burden like flying together with the wind and the wave.

    But,after that i felt so tired,and when i got up in the morning all of my body sick all over .and until now,i never play with the wave to long time again.when i remembered it,i must be smile.that is unforgetable memories.i miss them very much.  


Once upon a time, there were a king and his queen who lived in the kingdom of belinyu. They didn’t have any child. Every day the king and the queen make a wish about the children. Until one night, the queen had a dream. The turtle came into her dream and said to her if she would have a baby. The turtle also given a beautiful komala necklace and she had to give a komala necklace to her baby. The queen woke up and she was holding a komala necklace in her hand. She told her dream to the king, and he was very happy.

Shortly, the queen’s dream becomes reality. She was having a girl baby. And her baby was beautiful. The king was given her name ‘princes komala’. She grew up as a beautiful girl. Her parent always spoiled her very much. So, she had a bad attitude.

One day, princes’ komala heard her parent was talking about the turtle in her mother’s dream. She thought the turtle was very interesting. She wants the turtle to be her pet. And the king has given permit to her to look for the animal. The king’s guardian accompanied her to find it.

Finally, she found the turtle in the beach. When she came to the turtle, it was run. She shouted to the turtle “hey…The rotten turtle (penyu busuk) wait for me!!!” but the turtle were swimming. Princes’ komala run after the turtle into sea, she tried to catch it. There were big waves, so she drowned and disappeared. All of king’s guards could not save her. And the king and the queen were very sad and so sorry when they hear that. Now the people call the beach “PENYUSUK beach”.


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