
Friday 28 September 2012

Kali wening


Kali wening adalah sebuah lembaga yang dirilis oleh para alumni pondok pesantren yang didirikan pada  bulan juli 2011 kali wening  tadinya hanyalah sebuah organisasi kecil yang bernama IKSAMIE yang berarti “Ikatan santri attarmasie” karna memang organisasi ini dibentuk oleh para alumni pondok tremas, pacitan, jawa timur. Karena alumni pondok tremas tidak terbilang banyak, maka Iksamie merekrut orang-orang luar untuk bergabung dalam organisasi ini, maka kurang adilah jika nama itu tetap bertahan sebagai iksamie yang secara signifikannya mengedepankan nama alumni pondok tremas saja, dimulai dari situlah nama kali wening terbentuk.
Kali wening yang diambil dari dua kata dalam bahasa jawa “kali dan wening” yang berarti :  Kali: sungai yang filosofinya selalu mengalir, mengapa ia memilih untuk berbelok, mengitari pematang, melintasi bukit,dengan aliran berjenis laminar yang tenang??Mengapa?karena sungai ingin berbagi teman, ia tahu bahwa betapa sulit proses yang dilaluinya untuk mencapai daratan, banyak sekali rezim-rezim hidrologi yang harus ia lewati hingga dapat membentuk aliran air tawar yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan alam ini.air sungai juga bersifat dinamis-adaptatif, mampu memposisikan diri sesuai konteks yang dia temui, air juga mampu menetralisir kotoran, racun yang masuk ke dalamnya, menerima segala sesuatu yang masuk kedalamnya dan mampu mengubahnya menjadi energy positif.
Wening atau hening; (sembah kalbu)Menggambarkan keadaan hati yang selalu bersih dan batinnya selalu eling lan waspadha. Eling adalah sadar dan memahami akansangkan paraning dumadi (asal usul dan tujuan manusia)  kesadaran memenuhi kodrat Tuhan, serta menjaga keharmonisan serta sinergi aura magis antara jagad kecil (diri pribadi) dan jagad besar (alam semesta). Wening bisa juga berarti sepi, artinya: gerakan yang kita lakukan “anti NATO (no action talk only)”, dalam bahasa jawanya “ora kakean cangkem tapi cak-cek”..bahasane class mild “talk less do more”
            pada awal pembentukan visi dan misi ini para anggota mengalami sedikit kesulitan untuk menentukan tempat yang dianggap sesuai untuk merangkai visi dan misi untuk organisasi ini, pada akhirnya dengan bantun seorang penjaga tempat itu visi misi ini terbentuk disebuah mushola kecil diatas waduk cermo, wates Yogyakarta. Dan inilah visi dan misi organisasi ini:
èMenumbuhkan serta meningkatkan peran aktif 
èMenumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat Madani
è Menumbuhkan serta meningkatkan SDM Indonesia yang    
      unggul dan tangguh
è Menyelaraskan wacana dan aksi bagi anggota
è Meningkatkan taraf  kesejahteraan hidup masyarakat
è Bersama membangun masyarakat Learner Society
è Harmonisasi wacana dan aksi
è Mengembangkan potensi SDM dan SDA
è Melestarikan kearifan lokal
è Menumbuh kembangkan kesadaran perilaku positif antar
     individu masyarakat 
Pada akhirnya organisasi ini berkembang menjadi sebuah lembaga yang banyak melakukan kegiatan- kegiatan social diberbagai daerah. Kali wening telah sukses melakukan  dropping water kedaerah- daerah yang sulit mendapatkan air bersih seperti  diwonosari, tepatnya didaerah kemadang di daerah ini juga kali wening melakukan banyak sekali pengembangan- pengembangan masyarakat daerah. Sampai saat ini kali wening masih berusaha untuk tetap aktif dalam peranannya sebagai organisasi yang berusaha mumpuni kesejahteraan rakyat.

Tuesday 12 June 2012


Tourism like mirror to see our country
Yesterday, I was tried to interview with some tourism in Yogyakarta, especially in malioboro. I think that is very funny and full of shame. I went to malioboro with my friend.  It was my first interview with some tourism. I felt so anxious and nervous when I tried to spoke with them. Before I talked with them, I was learned some question to them. But, when I was talking, my prepare was lost. And I very difficult to piled my question. I very confused to talked with them and understand them. And that was made me conscious if my English is very poor. And I will improve it again hardly. But, in this time, I was struggling to do that. So I hope my assignment can make my beautiful lecture smile to me J.
In the first interview, I meet some tourist in malioboro. His name is Mr. Himo and he came to Indonesia with his girlfriend, her name is Mrs. Lupin. They came from Holland, English. They lived in Indonesia for 2 day. In this day they were gone to spa and does some massage.  And tomorrow they want to visit some place in malang.  Before they went to Yogyakarta, they was visited some tourism in Jakarta city. And they also were gone to bali for 2 day. But, they was not visited another tourism place like Borobudur and prambanan temple, because the weather is hot and long tourism. They like anything in Indonesia like food, clothes, and some souvenir like wayangan and batik. They said Yogyakarta have nice peoples, nice clothes, and nice foods. Their favorite food from Indonesia is fried rice. They wasn’t tried to eat a lot of kind of food from Yogyakarta, because they stay in there just to two day. They like Yogyakarta because, they think the people in Indonesia are very kind and friendly. They also said about their country. Their country is very small and that is very different with Indonesia. In the first interview I was felt very difficult to understand them. And I made a lot of mistake when I talk about. And I felt full of shame after that.
In the second interview, I meet a tourist from England, English. His name is Mr. Endrow holland. He is 31 years old.  He went to Yogyakarta to visit her girlfriend from in Indonesia. They was knew each other about 5 ½ years. In Yogyakarta, he stays in the girlfriend’s unique. The way that he used to connect his girlfriend is chatting, skipe, face book etc.  He lives in there around 3 mount. He liked Yogyakarta because, the peoples that live in there was kind, and friendly. He was visited some tourism in Yogyakarta like prambanan, Borobudur and some beach like parang tritis, baron, sundak etc.  He also was visited some place in Indonesia, there are padang, Jakarta, and bali.
He also said if his country and Indonesia was not really different about religion. Young generation in England and Indonesia was very different but, I wasn’t really understood about any word that his said. And he gave some message to Indonesia, especially to young generation. He said if Indonesia is a country that a lot of corruptor as gayus and the government that does a big mistake like korupsi kolusi nekotisme (KKN). So, the young generation don’t imitation the corruptor because that was very difficult problem if everyone in the government do something like KKN. And also there is a lot of beggar.
Actually, I want to talk a lot of thing about Indonesia with him but, I feel so difficult to do that because, I always make mistake when I talk about. This interview makes me awake if my English is very poor. So, in the next I want to more hard to improve my English, especially in vocabulary and grammar. I want to talk with tourist again because, I thing that is interesting. And we can use them as mirror to look our country.

Monday 11 June 2012


Dating is a relationship between two people that want to more know the character from each others. And dating has positive and negative effects. Actually, dating is not too much positive effect. There are can be able to make the life more be happy, brave, and find anything new from the couple. When we are sad, our couple can make us smiling quickly. Seldom, we feel more comfortable when they share our burden to their couple and more believe to share it to our couple. And also, he can to be spirit. The spirit that he said is a new power to step away. And we can do anything braver than if we are not dating. And he also knows to us about anything that we don’t know. We can exchange knowledge to our couple, and it is can be more interesting when we talk about that with our couple.
On the other hand, dating has many negative effects. There are can be able to make us to be prodigal, and it also makes us lazy, hurt and to finishing time very much just to hang out. We will have a bad dating if they make a mistake when they choose a dating. And it can make us hurt. The bad dating is a people that lie to us when he talks about, and leave us when we need him. And there is not understanding in the relationship. That happen will make broken heart. When the people broken heart. Their brave like loose away, and feel so hurt. That happen is making the people lazy to do anything. And also make the people thinking anything that not useful. So, friendship or a close friend is better than dating.

AT-TARMASIE (pondok tremas,pacitan)

Pondok Tremas adalah salah satu pondok yang cukup tua umurnya, yang kalau ditinjau dari letak geografisnya berada di desa Tremas, Kecamatan Arjosari, kabupaten Pacitan. Sedangkan Pacitan adalah sebuah kota di tepi pantai selatan yang terletak pada garis lintang selatan : 8' 3 – 8' 17 bujur timur 11' 2 – 11' 28.
Dilihat dari segi jaraknya, yakni 135 Km dari kota Solo dan 70 Km dari kota Ponorogo, maka wajarlah kalau santri-santri yang berdatangan dari daerah lain harus berjalan kaki karena belum adanya sarana transportasi.

Sedangkan desa Tremas terletak pada 11 kilometer dari kota Pacitan ke utara dan1 kilometer dari kecamatan  Arjosari. Desa Tremas dipagari oleh bukit-bukit kecil yang melingkar dimana sebelah utara dan sebelah timur desa Tremas mengalir sungai Grindulu yang selalu membawa lumpur banjir di waktu musim penghujan. Oleh karenanya pondasi rumah penduduk desa tersebut rata-rata sangat tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan pondasi rumah penduduk di daerah yang bebas banjir.

Desa Tremas dibatasi oleh beberapa desa yaitu, sebelah utara dibatasi oleh desa Gayuhan, sebelah timur dibatasi oleh desa Jatimalang, sebelah selatan dibatasi oleh desa Arjosari dan di sebelah barat dibatasi oleh desa Sedayu.Mata pencaharian penduduknya adalah bertani, yakni bercocok tanam padi, kacang tanah, kelapa, pisang, sayur mayur dan sebagainya. Karena Pacitan merupakan daerah yang minus dan tandus maka tidaklah aneh jika masyarakatnya sedikit ketinggalan jika dibandingkan dengan masyarakat daerah lain, khususnya dalam bidang ekonomi.Dengan uraian tersebut kita dapat menggambarkan kehidupan rakyat di daerah itu, yang sedikit banyak dapat mempengaruhi keadaan Pondok Tremas

Tremas berasal dari dua kata yaitu Trem berasal dari kata Patrem yang berarti senjata atau keris kecil dan mas berasal dari kata emas yang berarti logam mulia yang biasa dipakai untuk perhiasan kaum wanita.

BOYOLALI TOWN (descriptive teks)

Boyolali is one of the Tourism Destination Region  in  Central Java . And have situated on the slopes of Mount Merapi and Merbabu that it has an exotic landscape. Boyolali is also near from the International Airport of Adisumarmo Airport within ±25 miles of the City of Culture Surakarta (Solo). Boyolali have the healty eart, in there many plant can growing well.  Boyolali famous for dairy cows and have the motto "BOYOLALI TERSENYUM” (Order, Elegant, Neat, Healthy, and Comfortable for the Community).
Renowned for its superb culture , Mount Merapi - Merbabu, cow's
delicious milk which very good for the brain, traditional foods  (lethok sauce), and draw the souvenirs .there is many place of  tourism , for axsemple : tlatar, kedung ombo, selo, keteb, and many others.
Tlatar is one of the existing natural attractions Boyolali districts, which in this case can be classified in the water attractions. The main attraction of the tourist attraction is fishing tlatar that provides a variety of freshwater fish and the suport of tha place is the presence of a swimming pool for all ages, pakecehan parks and natural scenery is amazing and there is also a stage entertainment that is usually held on certain events for example: padusan, etc.
  And the others is kedung ombo,that place have beautifull scenery.and you can find the beautifull sunset in there. It is very interesting and amazing.and in here a lot of cajuput oil trees. And you can find a rental motor boat there, you can play with your friends.
In selo you can Feel the atmosphere of an unspoiled countryside typical mountain area with local residents to stay home and follow the daily activities of villagers of Samiran. For exsample:  planting vegetables, picking  strawberry fruits, study in a rabbit farm, making special food , making mask  and traditional dance costumes, learning traditional arts (Turonggo Seto dance, topeng  Ireng dance and gamelan), you can dring milk cows and etawa goats every day. This region became a fertile agricultural land for vegetables and has developed into a tourist village in the Village and Lencoh Samiran village.that is a little discription about boyolali town that I know. If you interes to doing that, you can try to come to boyolali.